January News
We're in the routine now and have finished one semester already.  January is a time where the work seems to take on a new focus.  Teachers are moving toward making the students ready for the  transition of the next year.   For some, this new level of work can be stressful.  Consistent reading each night for at least 15 minutes can really help students gain skills.  Please don't forget the importance and value of reading aloud to your child.  Hearing "book language" can help every student gain reading experience.

Please don't forget about the value of writing.  Students gain lots of knowledge about reading by writing and this is a big focus for our entire district this year.  It can be a difficult task for many students because it uses so many different parts of the brain to put words to paper.  Practicing with grocery lists, letters, thank you notes and stories can go a long way in improving a student's performance in the classroom as well as on tests.

Character Education
We are combining our writing focus with our character education program this year. Each month, every child is writing something about the word of the month. One child from each classroom is selected based on the quality of their essay. These students have their work published and displayed with their picture as well as have lunch with Mr. Miller. We've already had several winners.

The Magic of Reading
That’s our theme this year and because of a generous check from the Radnor Alumni Assoc., every first grade student will earn a magic journal and pen as soon as all reach a Level 10 reader. Students are excited to earn their prize.  Many first graders are there and we are waiting on others before we pass out these journals.

Our building has again received the OhioReads grant. We will utilize this grant to fund our summer school program for beginning Kindergarten and First Grade Students. We feel this early intervention goes a long way in helping children succeed in these important early grades.
We need OhioReads tutors to help our students one on one. We will provide the activities and training and can work around your schedule. Please consider giving some of your time to help our students be successful. Call or stop in to see me and we’ll get you started. Each year, Governor Taft recognizes tutors with signed certificates.

If you are interested in being an Ohio Reads Tutor this year, please contact us.  We can utilize you in many ways including reading to students.  We also need help with basics such as copying, laminating, cutting, etc.  Each year Governor Taft recognizes anyone who helps with the reading process in our school.  Please consider volunteering for this worthy activity.

Michael R. Kasony-O'Malley
Michael R. Kasony-O'Malley is coming to BVNorth in May.  Michael was an elementary teacher and is now making appearances all over Ohio and the surrounding states with great stories to encourage students to read and learn.  We are looking at various themes for his visit and will choose one soon.  Visit his website at www.michaelthestoryteller.com.

Buckeye Valley North Elementary
4230 State Route 203
Radnor, Ohio 43066

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Buckeye Valley North Elementary
Reading Rainbow
Reading Rockets
Author John Becker
Speed Reading
Reading Assessment 


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