# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# CARTRIDGE/SERVER                      (c) Copyright 1996 Nat! & KKP
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# These are some of the results/guesses that Klaus and Nat! found
# out about the Jaguar with a few helpful hints by other people, 
# who'd prefer to remain anonymous. Thanks go to marz@haari.mayn.de
# for the pinout info.
# Since we are not under NDA or anything from Atari we feel free to 
# give this to you for educational purposes only.
# Please note, that this is not official documentation from Atari
# or derived work thereof (both of us have never seen the Atari docs)
# and Atari isn't connected with this in any way.
# Please use this informationphile as a starting point for your own
# exploration and not as a reference. If you find anything inaccurate,
# missing, needing more explanation etc. by all means please write
# to us:
#    nat@zumdick.rhein-main.de
# or
#    kkp@gamma.dou.dk
# If you could do us a small favor, don't use this information for
# those lame flamewars on r.g.v.a or the mailing list.
# HTML soon ?
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id: cartridge.html,v 1.11 1997/03/30 02:27:12 nat Exp $
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
(Totally lacking at the moment!)

Here's how to access the cartridge and its EEPROM as well as the Jaguar Server Cartridge. Actually when we say cartridge we mean the cartridge connector of the jag. Note that to access the memory mapped cartridge, you seem to need to do 32 bit accesses.

  • Jaguar Server

  • Server Interface

  • Cartridge


  • Atari Boot ROM
    Jaguar Server
    This is the protocol found on the BOOT ROM of your jaguar server
    "cartridge". The protocol used in the current JAGOS.BIN is a bit
    more extensive (noted with *)
    Its a kind of handshaking protocol that looks like this (and starts 
    with reset):
       Server:     sends garbage (except $FF)
       Jaguar:     ignores garbage 
       Server:     $FF
       Jaguar:     'O' 'K'
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Server:     sends garbage (except $0-$7)
       Jaguar:     ignores garbage
       Server:     A number from 0 to 7 (11)  MSB LSB  (16 bit!!)
       Jaguar:     0: send_ok_to_host
                   1: copy_to_host
                   2: copy_from_host
                   3: copy_from_host_and_go
                   4: send_version_to_host
                   5: reset
                   6: test_FF
                   7: jsr_to
                   8: send_rom_type_to_host   (*)
                   9: clear_memory            (*)
                  10: nop                     (*)
                  11: send_eeprom_to_host     (*)
       Jaguar:     'O' 'K'
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Server:     address              MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Server:     length               MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Jaguar:     sends [length] bytes from [address]
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Server:     address              MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Server:     length               MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Jaguar:     receives [length] bytes into [address] 
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Server:     address              MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Server:     length               MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Server:     run-address          MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Jaguar:     receives [length] bytes into [address]
       Jaguar:     (*run-address)()     ;; JSR
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Jaguar:     version number       MSB NSB ISB LSB  ;; ASCII
       Jaguar:     next_command()
    will be 'B001' or somesuch for the BOOT ROM,
    will be '1.08' or somesuch for the downloaded JAGOS.BIN
       Server:     sends garbage (except $FF)
       Jaguar:     sends garbage back
       Server:     $FF
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Server:     run-address          MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Jaguar:     (*run-address)()     ;; JSR
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Jaguar:     either 'E' 'R' or 'D' 'R'     ; ER means Server EPROM
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Server:     start-address              MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Server:     end-address (exclusive)    MSB NSB ISB LSB
       Jaguar:     clears [length] bytes from [address]
       Jaguar:     'C' 'O'
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Server:     dummy word
       Jaguar:     reads EEPROM
       Jaguar:     send $0000 on success, $0001 on failure  (MSB LSB)
       Jaguar:     on success sends also 128 bytes of EEPROM data
       Jaguar:     next_command()
       Jaguar:     next_command()
    R: SERVSTAT ($E1FD00)
      8        4        0
      |     unused  | st |
       status (st):
          bit 0:   read possible  (1: yes  0:no)
          bit 1:   write possible (1: no   0:yes)
    R: SERVREAD ($E1FE00)
      8        4         0
      |       byte       |
          get the next byte in the stream
    .wait:            BTST      #0,SERVSTAT
                      BEQ.B     .wait
                      MOVE.B    SERVREAD,D0 
      8        4         0
      |       byte       |
          write a byte into the steam, by reading from the address, whose
          lower 8 bytes matches your data byte.
                      MOVEA.L   #SERVWRITE,A0 
    .wait:            BTST      #1,SERVSTAT
                      BNE.B     .wait
                      MOVE.B    0(A0,D0.W),D0
    This is the pinout of the cartridge:
    Pin     ROW A                           ROW B
    1       A10     ...................     GND
            A9                              GND
            A11                             A23
            A8                              A22
    5       A12     ...................     A21
            A7                              A20
            A13                             A19
            A6                              GND
            A14                             n.c.?
    10      A5      ...................     GND
            A15                             n.c.?
            A4                              GND
            N/A                             N/A
            N/A                             N/A
    15      A16     ...................     CPU Pin x
            A3                              CPU Pin x
            A17                             68000 HALT
            A2                              CPU Pin 53
            A18                             RAM U23 Pin 12
    20      CPU CE (U1..U4) Pin 57   ..     RAM U24 Pin 12
            GND                             68000 R/W
            D15                             CPU OE(LowWORD)
            D0                              CPU OE(HighWORD)
            D7                              GND
    25      D8      ...................     DSP Pin ?
            D14                             DSP Pin ?
            D1                              +10V (DIRECT)
            D6                              n.c.
            D9                              GND
    30      D13     ...................     n.c.
            D2                              DSP Pin ?
            D5                              GND
            D10                             68000 RESET
            D12                             CARD INSERT A
    35      D3      ...................     CARD INSERT B
            D4                              VCC
            D11                             VCC
            VCC                             ?
            D31                             n.c.
    40      D16     ...................     EEPROM SERIAL DATA/STATUS
            D23                             n.c.
            D24                             EEPROM CLOCK
            D30                             EEPROM SELECT
            D17                             DSP Pin ?
    45      D22     ...................    *DSP Pin ?
            D25                             DSP Pin ?
            D29                             DSP Pin ?
            D18                             DSP Pin ?
            D21                             DSP Pin ?
    50      D26     ...................     DSP Pin ?
            D28                             GND
            D19                             68000 CLOCK 13.295453MHz
            D20                             GND
    54      D27     ...................     GND
    And here is the pinout of the 42-leg ROM IC. 
          A18    1=|       |=42   VCC?
          A17    2=|       |=41   A 8
          A 7    3=|       |=40   A 9
          A 6    4=|       |=39   A10
          A 5    5=|       |=38   A11
          A 4    6=|       |=37   A12
          A 3    7=|       |=36   A13
          A 2    8=|       |=35   A14
          A 1    9=|       |=34   A15
          A 0   10=|       |=33   A16
          !CE   11=|       |=32   !BYTE
          GND   12=|       |=31   GND
          !OE   13=|       |=30   D15
          D 0   14=|       |=29   D 7
          D 8   15=|       |=28   D14
          D 1   16=|       |=27   D 6
          D 9   17=|       |=26   D13
          D 2   18=|       |=25   D 5
          D10   19=|       |=24   D12
          D 3   20=|       |=23   D 4
          D11   21=|       |=22   VCC
    The EEPROM has 128 bytes, which is organized as 64 16 bit words.
    Each cell is addressed by a number from $00 to $3F
    Access to the EEPROM is done though a serial (bitwise) channel.
    When writing or reading to the EEPROM, you need to address the word
    first that you want to write. The communication on the bit channels
    is most significant bit first:
    The protocol for reading is something like this:
    o     read from EEPROM_WRITE to indicate that you want to write (sic!)
          something to the EEPROM
    o     send 9 bits to the EEPROM in the following format
             <- 1 1 0 n5 n4 n3 n2 n1 n0
          where n is the index of the cell you wanna read (MSB first)
    then do the following 16 times
    o     read from EEPROM_READ to indicate that you want to read (sic!)
          something from the EEPROM
          then get a bit of information from the EEPROM-RDATA   
    The protocol for writing is something like this (????, probably NOT)
    o     read from EEPROM_WRITE to indicate that you want to write 
          something to the EEPROM
    o     send 9 bits to the EEPROM in the following format
             <- 1 0 1 n n n n n n
          where n is the index of the cell you wanna write (MSB first)
    then do the following 16 times
    o     read from EEPROM_WRITE to indicate that you want to read (sic!)
          something from the EEPROM
          then write a bit of your data into EEPROM-WDATA
    The EEPROM is a little bit slow at providing and receiving the data, 
    so with the 68000 you should put in an a few NOPs between accesses.
    Here's a little routine to read out the EEPROM and store it into A0
                      CLR.W     D1               ; cell counter
                      CLR.W     D2               ; chksum counter
    .copy:            JSR       eeprom_r_word 
                      ADD.W     D0,D2 
                      MOVE.W    D0,(A0)+         ; copy into bufffer
                      ADDQ.W    #1,D1 
                      CMP.W     #$3F,D1          ; do 0 to $3E
                      BLT.B     .copy 
                      EORI.W    #$FFFF,D2        ; calc checksum
                      BSR       eeprom_r_word    ; compare with last cell
                      CMP.W     D0,D2            ; OK ?
                      BNE       .checksum_err    
                      MOVEQ     #0,D0 
    .checksum_err:    MOVEQ     #-1,D0 
    eeprom_r_word:    MOVEM.L   A0/D1-D3,-(A7)
                      ORI.W     #$180,D1         ;; set prepare to read bits
                      MOVE.W    D1,D2            ;; and write it out
                      BSR       eeprom_w_9bit
                      MOVEQ     #0,D0 
                      MOVEQ     #$F,D2           ;; do 16 bits
    .readbit:         TST.W     EEPROM_READ
                      MOVE.W    EEPROM_RDATA,D1 
                      LSR.W     #1,D1            ;; get LSB into X
                      ADDX.W    D0,D0            ;; shift left and add X
                      DBF       D2,.readbit 
                      MOVEM.L   (A7)+,A0/D1-D3
                      MOVEQ     #$F,D3           ;; wanna do 16 bits
                      BRA.B     _writebit
    eeprom_w_9bit:    ROL.W     #7,D2            ;; move 9th bit into MSB
                      MOVEQ     #8,D3            ;; wanna do 9 bits
    _writebit:        TST.W     EEPROM_WRITE     ;; prepare for write
                      ROL.W     #1,D2            ;; get MSB into LSB
                      MOVE.W    D2,EEPROM_WDATA  ;; write it down 
                      DBF       D3,_writebit
    R: EEPROM_WRITE   $(F15000)
      16        12         8         4         0
       |                                       | 
       Just read from this register to set the
       EPROM to writing state (?)
    R: EEPROM_RMODE   $(F14800)    
      16        12         8         4         0
       |                                       | 
       Just read from this register to set the
       EPROM to reading state (?)
    W: EEPROM_WDATA   (F14800)  
      16        12         8         4      1  0
       |          unused                    |b | 
           15..............................1  0
       After setting the EEPROM to write mode, you can
       serially toggle in the bits from this register.
    R: EEPROM_RDATA   (F14000)  Same as JOYSTICK!!
      16        12         8         4      1  0
       |          unused                    |b | 
           15..............................1  0
       After setting the EEPROM to read mode, you can
       serially toggle out the bits from this register.
    Atari Boot ROM
    Supposedly there's no JAGPEG code in the bootroms, because Atari wasn't
    able to finish it on time.
          Its strange that you would use different addressing modes for
          writing to a cell _and_ need to set different "READY" registers.
          I think I have a misunderstanding somewhere.

    Nat! (nat@zumdick.rhein-main.de)
    Klaus (kkp@gamma.dou.dk)

    $Id: cartridge.html,v 1.11 1997/03/30 02:27:12 nat Exp $